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About love and stupid jealousy

 About love and stupid jealousy
Categories: Love words

About love and foolish jealousy

History has not proven which of the two insults the other more... the man or the woman... although it is proven that (Adam) did not quarrel with (Eve) in the sky because he insulted her with a mulberry leaf. Which he covers up and wants to replace with a cabbage leaf!! It is also proven that (Eve) was (complete) and did not (return) to (Adam) or show off to him when she washed him, and therefore she was of reason such that we did not hear that she tied (Adam) to one of the trees of Zaqqum out of jealousy over him for one of the nymphs who were You look at him (from bottom to bottom)... Jealousy is not a shame, dear modern lover. The evidence is that you hate a woman who does not treat you jealously, and you wish that she had once accused you of preferring to her to read the newspaper in the bathroom, but in our time the degree of jealousy has changed and it has turned into residue and spray. In addition to the jealousy of the women of the past... Can you swear, for example, that your beloved is jealous of you because of (the flying air), just as our fathers swear that our mothers were like that (note that this was the case)... You certainly will not be able to swear... especially if your hair is a reason to be proud, like my friend. (Totti) Even though his hair was never like this before, chemotherapy has its miracles (pigeons withered, I think)!! Thus, his beloved - similar to (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - will never change his mind because of (the flying air), but rather she will be happy because his hair (is thinning) with this (the air), unlike her sister’s fiancé, who suffers from colds and diarrhea as a result of this (the air), since his side is afflicted with eternal baldness!! Jealousy may be healthy, just like other sanitary ware... and it may be an incurable disease that ends up burying you in the dirtiest store that sells these tools!! And beware, my friend, of the cancer of jealousy that may spread to your fiancée suddenly. You will find her like this, and without warning, jealous of the cat that shares your apartment. The reason - as your fiancée sees it - is that the cat’s looks at you contain admiration and desire!! Like any naive kid, you sleep at night with an ear of potatoes in your stomach, rejoicing in that jealousy, except that - how stupid you are - you do not expect what will happen the next day... suddenly... a visit from your mother-in-law - considering what it will be - and your fiancée. Considering that your luck is wearing mourning clothes - and with them (Zaki, the last breath), the dean of the charlatans in the third millennium, whom the bastard convinced them - that this cat is a jinn... and that she admires you and your crooked knees, which rarely exist in the world of humans and jinn alike, and oh how lucky you are... And so your life turns into hell... especially with the daily quarrels that will happen after that... - “You are the one that the cat, the daughter of this fairy, covets about you.” Then the jealousy grows and turns into doubt, “You look like she has seduced her, O Sahn, you snake.”.. and you cannot prove it to her. Your innocence and good intentions only after the surrounding circumstances change.. Then the cat dies in a painful accident, as your mother-in-law (approximately 2 tons) sat on it intentionally, deliberately, and with premeditation and deliberation to end any love story that was supposed to exist between you and the late cat!! And history tells us stories. Similar to the germ of stubborn jealousy.. That princess (Walada bint Al-Mustakfi) who loved the minister (Ibn Zaydun) and was afflicted - oh her mother's eye - with the cancer of jealousy, and she said to him - (Ibn Zaydun), not the cancer: “I am jealous of you from myself, from my eyes, from you, from your time and place, and If only I had hidden you in my eyes until the Day of Resurrection, it would not have been enough for me. “O black day, and I am bereft of you and your years, O (Ibn Zaydun). The meaning of the two verses is clear and does not need comment.. She tells him (with his gentleness) that she is changing him from all kinds of jealousy.. meaning from the end (he goes and dies better) and praise be to God who did not guide (his children) at that time to the composition of concentrated sulfuric acid, which we call He must be given a death sentence, otherwise our uncle (Ibn Zaydoun) will die, disfigured just because you (his sons) see him exchanging a conversation with one of the slave girls!!! But what is surprising is that we do not know precisely what (Walada) did in her life while she was carrying all this jealousy: “From myself”... Do we conclude, then, that (Walada) died by suicide and killed herself out of jealousy for (Ibn Zaydun) from her.. Never.. She did History has confirmed that she died the death of our Lord... “and from my eyes”.. She certainly would not have taken that step... gouging out her eyes because she was jealous of (Ibn Zaydun) one of them... otherwise (Ibn Zaydun) would have left her and he would have responded to her when she said to him (I love you) By saying: “May God make it easy for you... and from you.” We can confirm that (Ibn Zaydoun) was not a resident of (Al-Khanka), even for a single day, because (Walada) caught him one time and attacked you, O Rafa, and hit you with its clogs and the rest of the military equipment.. - What’s wrong with him, O ( (His children)? I love you (while she beats him)!! - Why do you beat me for your sake? He must die.. I am jealous of you. - Who is this? May God burn you? - You, my beloved! We confirm that (Ibn Zaydoun) must Praise be to God, may his hand be strong (face and back) because there are no machetes and nylon bag syndrome in this era!!! “And from your time”.. That jealousy leads us to a great scientific discovery, which is that (Einstein) was inspired by the theory of relativity, for which he won the (Nobel) twice thanks to (Birth)... She is the only one - due to her extreme jealousy - who was able to deal with time as she had dealt before with “her eyes”, “herself”, and “he” who walks within it!!! "And the place"... here the disaster is complete.. If she changes the place on him, where will (poor Ibn) go... I mean (Ibn Zaydun). The only solution that might come to her mind - especially if she is one of the women of this era, is to strangle him and take his soul out. So his soul remains wandering in the world of spirits, not knowing where to hold it. All places reject it for fear of oppression (Birth of Frankenstein)!!! But the good question now, O modern lover, is: If the women of the past changed all this jealousy... and even this (his child) was a princess, then what is the situation now? Personally... I know a friend who has the strangest story of psychopathic jealousy... He got married after a short courtship (shorter than Condoleezza Rice's pocket), then he was surprised by undesirable consequences... One time he asked her for a cup of water... and like any obedient obedient wife, she brought him a cup of water. He had barely grabbed the cup when she exploded in his face: “What, Professor? You have no feelings!” . What's wrong, my love? What's wrong with you?! . Is this a catch that you hold for the cup?! My friend looked at his hand holding the cup, and it was a normal grip, not the grip of informants or police officers, before she continued: How do you hold the cup with all your fingers? - what's the meaning . . Will you make the cup equal to my hands?! My friend did not understand what his wife wanted until she warned him that he should hold the cup with only two fingers. As for his use of all five of his fingers, it is a special use limited to food, and her hand is hers only. My friend was amazed. He laughed and rejoiced in his depths at his legendary jealous wife. Without realizing that fate had in store for him a great impalement... One day, while he was deep in a deep sleep, she returned from her flight and was surprised to find him hugging her... “Wake up, Manil.. Wake up, Don.. What a loss my love is for you.” Like any terrified mouse in an intense war with the marauding army of cats, he woke up from his sleep and she continued her wonderful link: “In my house... and on my bed... and in the same place that I sleep on.” ?!” He looked around in panic, looking for any lover, seductress, or even a virgin hen that had not been touched by a rooster before, but he did not find anything. . “You prefer her over me... you hug the pillow, and you are the one who has never hugged me except on the night of our wedding.” He remembered the night of the wedding and the embrace that was a matter of duty and to save the human race from extinction... and before he could remember the rest of the fateful night, he was surprised by her eyes turning into sparks as she said to him: “You are the one who committed a crime against yourself... Go, my husband, and you are lost... He jumped out of his bed.” He interrupted her in panic.. “No, what you say is not what God will protect you from.” She did not listen to his pleas.. Rather, she made up her mind and said with the firmness of my communication: “You are divorced with all three!” Poor this friend of mine, isn’t he?! Notice that you might be in his position. Especially if you have a great wife, she is jealous of you like our friend was jealous of you...but in the face of that jealousy, how do you react?! You make her feel that you are jealous of her, because her jealousy is a form of revenge for what your jealousy is doing to her... especially if you are a scoundrel and psychologically complex like that sadist in the movie “Seven”. As for your jealousy of her... remember... stay cool... and also remember what we said a while ago. Many pages... You are an animal... Yes, an animal in love, but in the end... You are an animal... And here is what Atef realized. He was jealous of his wife blindly until she took him off, so he married someone else while he was cautious... keen to please her... And the surprise happened with his second wife. One of the directors saw her and offered her a starring role in the cinema. Because of the pressure of one hand (and the other hand as well), he agreed to her work in the cinema, and as soon as he entered and immersed himself (as a loyal and faithful follower) of his protected wife and the hidden gem in the cinematic environment, he learned that his wife She does not deserve to be cheated on by him.. Who is this donkey (unlike him, of course) who would be satisfied with his eyes falling on his wife.. And who is the fool (also unlike him) who will be associated with a movie star whose real name is (Kidahim)... It is true that the hot scenes performed by (Kidahim) There are many... except that he fully realizes that the one who is performing the scene in front of her is the victim and that his wife is the culprit... And so (Atef) tells us that he was able to uproot his jealousy over her, and began to fulfill all her desires, thus killing the (cancer) of her jealousy over him... and you can see (Atef) is standing backstage watching the hot scene, which is a hot kiss for (Kidahim) from the film’s hero and.. “Stop.. Stop” says the director.. Despite that, the hot kiss continues for a minute.. two minutes.. Three minutes.. Everyone is preparing for the next scene except for the hero and (Kidahim), who were immersed in the previous scene, and (Atef) watches eagerly.. Ten minutes.. half an hour.. an hour.. The scene is still continuing, even though (Atef) He went out and had two cigarettes, then went to the bathroom. Some say that perhaps he got tired of waiting, so he went home to get some sleep until the scene ended. Thus, Atef did not suffer from jealousy at all. His name was not Ibn Zaydoun, nor was she... (His plot) (His birth) It is said that they are Atef and their plot. They lived in prosperity and prosperity, although they left behind neither boys nor girls, for a reason unknown until now. You see, you must also be envious of Atef in general. If you suffer from jealousy, you can follow the same path as Atef. You will then find yourself the only human being who is proud to have grown antennae!! A final word: With true love, trust is stronger than jealousy.. And I now hear a voice from the past chanting: “Down with foolish jealousy.” I think it was the voice of (Ibn Zaydoun)... and others.. and others.. Written by Muhammad Fathi from the book 7 Faces of Love
Categories: Love words
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